Thursday, November 22, 2007

Class Evaluation

This class taught me a lot just through blogging and IM. The blogging gave a chance to reflect on lessons learned and communicate with others in the class. The IM gave a chance to talk and communicate at any time someone was online. These two technologies can be used in so many ways and so many different avenues in the classroom.

Simulation and Gaming

There were a lot of things that I thought I knew about simulation and gaming. However, I learned so much more that really caught my attention. I really don't like video games, so the idea of video games in the classroom didn't sit too well with me until I read about how to incorporate it into my classroom.

Monday, November 19, 2007


An LMS main focus is the institutional/organizational concerns of maintaing recoreds on the overall training or educational process. LCMS main focus is on the training content.Blackboard and WEBCT has both LMS and LCMS functions and it has the capabilities of using powerpoint and other technologies to assist you with the learning and teaching online

New Technolgies

I love technology and this week topic was great because I got a chance to explore some of the new technologies emerging such as wireless networks which I can be very benefical in the educational arena and the use of PDAs are becoming more widespread as technology is fastly approaching us even if we are not approaching it.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Synchronous tools enable real-time communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect at a single point in time, at the same time.

Asynchronous tools enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a "different time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect together at each person's own convenience and own schedule.

This was very interesting because I learned about these different types of learning and it the feedback from the other classmates.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I think IMs can be very useful in the world of education. I used IMs a lot when I first began to get technical. However, as my time is not as plentiful, I don't have the time to do it as much as I please. I see a lot of potential with using IMs in the classroom because you can have constant and instant communication with your students.

I have enjoyed working with my fellow classmates and IMing them when I am online about the class, about Walden, and about other issues we are all facing.

It has been very rewarding to use the IM and my children are also engaging in the use of IMs because again its free and easy to communicate across the world.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Educational TV


Although I haven't taught young children for many years, I have found that using TV programs both commercial, and from the science Channel and or PBS, for adults provides the basis for group projects, and classroom discussions that are extremely beneficial. It provides the students a real-life scenario to apply the principles of sociological theory and general systems theory in and analyzing events. My perspective agrees with yours that the potential is enormous and how we utilize the technology will in the educational context is the critical factor.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Week 6

Educational TVs are very important in the academic world and this week we learned about the new types of emerging technology. Ipods and other types of technology are very important when it comes to making sure our new generation of children are ready to embark on what is out there. I think the discussion was great and a learning experience.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Weeek 5

I think that online learing is the wave of the future. I think its very important to evaluate and learn about the pros and cons and try to make the best of the situation. Week 5 explored the components of online learning and it has a lot of details to examine.

I have been teaching online classes for over five years and there are still some times when I long for traditional classes just so that I can see my students.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 4

Blogs and Wikis

I did not like blogs and wikis at first. I really thought they had no place in the world of technology. I was told by a colleague how she incorporated a blog to get feedback from students, and she was intrigued by how they responded. So, I began my own blog and it really worked. Wikis had to grow on me because I had gotten misinformation before, but its just like the internet, you have to search out what you get to make sure its factual.

Week 3

This week we discussed computer based online learning. I have been teaching online for at least 5 years and it has pros and cons. I do believe it is the wave of the future, but sometimes you have so many outside problems. I have concerns with cheating and there is always a level of miscommunication I have to deal with. Overall, I think computer based and online learning is the right direction.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

2nd Week

I enjoy talking about technology and I am really enjoying listening to other opinions concerning the use of technology. I am learning how to navigate the blog, so my invite was late. I have been using blogs in my class, but I mainly let the students naviagate everything.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hi, My name is Marla Jackson. I am 34 years old and I have 2 wonderful children and a great boyfriend. I have been teaching for the last 9 years at a technical college and it has been wonderful. My long term goal is to complete my Ph.D and work from home, so that I can be more of a part of my children's lives. My children are 11 and 16.