Thursday, November 22, 2007

Class Evaluation

This class taught me a lot just through blogging and IM. The blogging gave a chance to reflect on lessons learned and communicate with others in the class. The IM gave a chance to talk and communicate at any time someone was online. These two technologies can be used in so many ways and so many different avenues in the classroom.


Heather Farley said...


I agree with you completely. I got the most out of the blogging and IM aspects of this course. The required readings and assignments were informative, but the relationships I was able to build with everyone was so much more important.

I hope to see you in another class, and I hope you have a great holiday!

Shane said...

Hi Marla,

I concur with your assessment. I have a new appreciation for blogging and using Messenger and other chat programs. I see how they could be used in education and in business settings.

Like you, the relationships formed outside the classroom proved very valuable and I learned quite a bit from the discussions we have had with each other across the entire class.

Best of luck and happy holidays!


lekanquadri said...

I also enjoy this class with are lots of information learned; lessons learned are rich source of materials for knowledge gained in education. To be able to pass the knowledge gained to our student in K-12 and college levels.